Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
Read MoreThe Robot of Love
I did this spontaneous bit of digital automatic writing while feeling nostalgic. ;) For more information about how to do DAW writing, click here and COMMENT BELOW 😎👇🏻 NFT available here.
Take Me To Your Bieber
I did this D.A.W. while my daughter Josie and I were coloring. 🖍❤️😎 Digital Automatic Writing is multi-format, spontaneous writing. Please comment below 👇🏻
This DAW is available at an NFT at Opensea. Two signed, high-resolution prints are included in unlockable content.