Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
Read MoreHome of the Dead
Living in America can be wonderful, and it can be enraging. I am particularly appalled at the level of violence in my community, state, and country. I wrote this DAW in a state of rage.
Please comment below. 👇🏻
Click here for information about DAW writing. Click here to purchase an NFT of this piece; 50% of your purchase will be donated to the Brady Center.
Anger Wolf
This D.A.W. has to do with my feelings about my mom’s illness.
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
To learn how to do D.A.W. writing, check out this blog post. Free 5K signed “Anger Wolf” artwork! NFT here.
I Feel Unheard! Mustache or Bird?
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Piccaso Says I'm a Genius
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This is a D.A.W. I did riffing on Picasso’s quote “Youth has no age.”
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Welcome to the live read of "Down Chuska Mountain" by Jeffrey Delano Davis. The reading will take approximately 35…