Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
Read MoreHome of the Dead
Living in America can be wonderful, and it can be enraging. I am particularly appalled at the level of violence in my community, state, and country. I wrote this DAW in a state of rage.
Please comment below. 👇🏻
Click here for information about DAW writing. Click here to purchase an NFT of this piece; 50% of your purchase will be donated to the Brady Center.
It’s ok I’m Leaving You
😔 I've been a little down this winter, and this digital automatic writing piece reflects some of the tension I feel about my mom's battle with cognitive issues.
How do you cope with emotional pain? I create.
Comment below. NFT here
Anger Wolf
This D.A.W. has to do with my feelings about my mom’s illness.
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
To learn how to do D.A.W. writing, check out this blog post. Free 5K signed “Anger Wolf” artwork! NFT here.
Intrusive is Thy Thinking
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
I did this post after a nasty bout of OCD. ;( I’m better now.
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
I Feel Unheard! Mustache or Bird?
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Piccaso Says I'm a Genius
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This is a D.A.W. I did riffing on Picasso’s quote “Youth has no age.”
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Welcome to the live read of "Down Chuska Mountain" by Jeffrey Delano Davis. The reading will take approximately 35…