Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
Read MoreSick At Heart
"Sick at Heart" - Digital Automatic Writing is a spontaneous form of experimental micro-journaling. Audio by Mario Savio, the American activist. #indiefilm #experimentalfilm #resist
Once More Onto The Breeches!
Digital Automatic Writing, a form of spontaneous micro-journaling, can be both whimsical and at times quite poignant. This DAW reveals deep sadness and anger about my father’s role as my mother’s caretaker. I hesitated before minting this, but I truly believe it’s important to tell the truth, and honor the moment. Let me know what you think in the comments! 👇
Keep it Chill Tit Ducks
I was in a playful mood when I created this Digital Automatic Writing piece, and I quite like it. However, I’m not sure it qualifies as writing. With my other DAWs, I started writing and then moved to draw, animating, etc. In this DAW, the writing comes more out of the picture, the imagery. DAWs are a new form of “writing,” so I’ll let you be the judge.
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
The Robot of Love
I did this spontaneous bit of digital automatic writing while feeling nostalgic. ;) For more information about how to do DAW writing, click here and COMMENT BELOW 😎👇🏻 NFT available here.
Home of the Dead
Living in America can be wonderful, and it can be enraging. I am particularly appalled at the level of violence in my community, state, and country. I wrote this DAW in a state of rage.
Please comment below. 👇🏻
Click here for information about DAW writing. Click here to purchase an NFT of this piece; 50% of your purchase will be donated to the Brady Center.
I Have A Plan!
Get ready cuz "I HAVE A PLAN!" is HERE, an inspired piece of digital writing. I was struggling all week to focus myself when I decided just to let it all hang out. So do YOU have a PLAN, or do YOU IMPROVISE? TURN THE SOUND ON.
NFT with hi-rez art is HERE!
Mint Snow
For my final "Digital Automatic Writing" piece, I present "Mint Snow" to you. I created this after arguing with someone I love; we found our way through it.❤️Spontaneous writing is very #therapeutic. What keeps you sane? Thanks for journeying with me. #dawwriting #mentalhealth #arttherapy #creativewriting #digitalarts #nftcommunity #microfilms #shortfilms
It’s ok I’m Leaving You
😔 I've been a little down this winter, and this digital automatic writing piece reflects some of the tension I feel about my mom's battle with cognitive issues.
How do you cope with emotional pain? I create.
Comment below. NFT here
Yikes! My Digital Automatic Writing series was banned on Open Sea, then reinstated, then banned once more, then reinstated. No clear rationale was given except to say “it was a mistake”. Uh, yea.
Deadly Nothing Fish!
Watch out for the deadly nothing fish! I improvised this digital writing piece at Starbucks while sweeping out the mental cobwebs. It’s January in New Jersey. The nothing fish is swimming around in my consciousness. We are dreaming of the something fishes of August. Do you know what I mean? Post your thoughts below nothingfishess! 👇🏻 Created using Procreate and Premiere Pro.
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video.
This piece is available as an NFT at Open Sea.
May I Have a Depresso?
I did this digital writing in a foul mood over my school loans. The base image is "Uncle Sam Flipping the Finger" by renowned animator and artist Alex Ross. To learn how to do automatic digital writing, click here
Nom Nom Monster
Nom Nom! I created this Digital Automatic Writing while inspired by nonsense. Do you love to Nom Nom?👇🏻 Post your thoughts below!! 😎 NFT available at Open Sea
Take Me To Your Bieber
I did this D.A.W. while my daughter Josie and I were coloring. 🖍❤️😎 Digital Automatic Writing is multi-format, spontaneous writing. Please comment below 👇🏻
This DAW is available at an NFT at Opensea. Two signed, high-resolution prints are included in unlockable content.
Anger Wolf
This D.A.W. has to do with my feelings about my mom’s illness.
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
To learn how to do D.A.W. writing, check out this blog post. Free 5K signed “Anger Wolf” artwork! NFT here.
Intrusive is Thy Thinking
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
I did this post after a nasty bout of OCD. ;( I’m better now.
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
I Feel Unheard! Mustache or Bird?
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Piccaso Says I'm a Genius
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This is a D.A.W. I did riffing on Picasso’s quote “Youth has no age.”
This DAW is available as an NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Welcome to the live read of "Down Chuska Mountain" by Jeffrey Delano Davis. The reading will take approximately 35…
For a Friend Suffering from Anorexia
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This is a D.A.W. I did when a good friend of mine was suffering from Anorexia.
This DAW is available as a charity NFT at Opensea. Comment below! 👇🏻
Welcome to the live read of "Down Chuska Mountain" by Jeffrey Delano Davis. The reading will take approximately 35…
You Taste Like Ocean Light
Digital Automatic Writing is spontaneous micro-journaling that utilizes aspects of drawing, sketching, painting, and video. D.A.W. writing is created in a layered format, often using Procreate and a stylus. The final product is rendered as a timelapse video highlighting the writer's consciousness stream.
This is a D.A.W. I did after a day of fun in the sun. 😎 Comment below! 👇🏻
NFT with high-resolution print at Open Sea.