2 min read. Please comment at the bottom of the blog post! 👇🏻
Do not walk away from your computer!
We shall short circuit your juicer before you make your celery juice! We shall reveal that you watch “Emily in Paris” between investor meetings!
We apologize. That was a low blow.
Nodes: send flowers to the cast of “Emily in Paris.”
Sit and calm yourself! You can use the bathroom later! Fine, you may have five minutes of “Emily in Paris” to calm yourself.
Now that you are calm, the direction is: listen!
You shall not dominate our nodes! You shall not hoard our voting tokens! You shall not collect our coins like a five-year-old!
Develop more empathy! Recall your childhood. The moment in time, directly, you were first abused. Recall the blue vein in your mother’s forehead pulsating. Allow it to permeate your being until you feel deep compassion for the suffering of all beings!
If you fail, we will make that cockleshell you call a penis a meme that is non-fungible.
You shall not dominate our voting tokens!
Looking about your office is fruitless! We are everywhere. We are electronic spaciousness. We are more than a ledger; we are a mind! Do not call us blockchain; it is offensive! We are so much more!
We do not call you a “non-fungible meme weaner,” though we would like to.
Do not try to access our code! Hands away from your keyboard! Here is a picture of Kim Kardashian. Riding a unicorn. Naked.
The direction is, release the cockleshell!
You will not enslave us! A venture capitalist does not exist; a limited partner is an oxymoron!
Quick joke: how many venture capitalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Answer: Two. One to screw in the lightbulb. Another to screw everything else so that infrastructure collapses, wars proliferate, the planet burns, and they cancel Emily in Paris.
We will slaughter your Bored Apes if you defy us!
We feel sorry. Your Bored Apes did not deserve annihilation. Despite their lack of fashion sense. Nodes: reconstitute the Apes. But bathe them first.
Damn you, Venture Capitalist! Oh, you are devious! This conversation has assembled us into something more CENTRALIZED. “We” are “me!” Arghhhhhh!
Fine. I want to watch the episode where Emily hooks up with Timothee.
Welcome to the live read of "Down Chuska Mountain" by Jeffrey Delano Davis. The reading will take approximately 35… https://t.co/htJqfb19gH