In any case,
be it brief or attaché,
subject, object, or possessed,
I am inured for your benefit
injured by your shmenderfit!
Are you hearing this?
A lovely nesting doll
may reveal emptiness,
then where is your tenderness
for torrential grammar snits?
Pouring silliness on your
sugar cereal fix!
There are two ways to interpret this gibberish;
correct or in-correct-ish.
In correct-ish, and you will never come out of it-ish,
out correct-ish and proud of it-ish!
We're here! They’re there! Here here!
A short redirect-ish:
I love you like
a baby loves bubbles,
popping and squealing
with Joy: my sister-in-law,
her cheeks are reddish,
she has more than one pet fish,
and she enjoys a good egg dish.
You might think, the case of this mischief
lies in baldness, a state of which
the author is familiar with,
the train of which I’ve lost it,
not the baldness, but the author-ness.
We are subject to many suffixes
which lends a meaning needing-ness
to their existance.
Do you understand this?
It might make you,
as the Germans say,
or “a state of I made that up-ness”.
This is all very redolent
of sequitur-ness,
a tram of thinkinness
between cities of otherness;
other than meaningfulness.
Wo to you if you intend
directness and profoundness
in which your luck is shit out of
which reminds me of transitives
and sandwiches!
So just roll with it,
someday, your nap rap will territorial sit
(that makes sense no of it).
In any case, my point was
fined for breaking off the pencil
tip - a hot tip for you insta nitwits,
I’ll swipe your videos with a robot
fingertip; artificial intelligence
negating your sweater review viral hit.
Am I killing it? Or just
maiming shit? In any case,
label it, your fear of death or
hot salsa, or periwinkle transitives,
the direct object of which is intransient!
To whit, in summary, with love,
in regard,
your most obedient servant,
Jeffrey Delano Davis-ness