Metal Leviathan

Metal Leviathan

A Motorcycle Phantasia Set in The Pine Barrens 

Image courtesy of Dalle

Rip through this talc sea 
metal leviathan 
swing your fluke 
burst through sand swells 
spoondrift arthritic trees;
for the tree line is burning, 
the ashes loam the soil,
a dusty phoenix is looming, 
and my thoughts do roil;
“Is it merely sweet sulfur, 
this kindled pine?
or an unquenchable fire 
whose source is Devine?”.
Teeth chatter grit fine,
engine chortles, 
drips grease in this Judea of Pine-
a graffitied rock 
errant crushed cans;
if nothing is left
is nothing left behind?
Something slithers round my boot 
and soon I am entwined
the phoenix sings loudly
with a voice of strychnine, 
“The industrialists built smelting plants,
the capitalists melted iron,
wineries plucked berries, 
and out of the land 
bled wine, 
nothing is left, 
I will leave nothing behind.
For as the Lord said,
“Vengeance is mine.”
The ground swallows
bike, sand, and “I”
all now are mesenchymed;
I am only a thought
mentioned for you
the one I left behind;
“Nothing is left of me
I will soon meet the Devine 
I bequeath you my emptiness
set free in the land of pines.”

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Ode to a Naked Boomer in the Gym Locker Room

Lo! Behold! Before me, a bewildering sight!

Your nutsack poured over the locker bench,

like batter over a waffle iron,

Set me affright and caused no delight.

You please to discuss much

while drying your crotch!

How humble you are!

Much like the Pennsylvania Dutch.

And your shvantz!


Perhaps it belongs in a rabbit hutch?

Or somewhere other than within my sight?

Have you heard of a robe?

Did humility die after the Second World War?

Consider the Buddhist monk:

rarely do you see their shlongs run amuck!

So do please cover up;

I'm not here to give you your yearly check-up.

God knows,

it's your wit and humor, solely,

I wish you to expose.

Dreaming I’m Awake

I wrote this digital poem called "Dreaming I'm Awake" based on my blissful experience snorkeling in Carribean waters.🐠

I designed the graphic part of the poem using Procreate, Premiere Pro, and Adobe Express.

Available as an NFT at Objkt, only five editions, with a 10 % referral fee.